by Carzal » September 10th, 2006, 4:09 pm
Allow me to do a comprehensive analasis of those five series.
The Wheel of Time: Ye gods, Robert, who cares about all of those extra characters? We want Rand, Matt and maybe Perrin before you destroyed him by marrying him off!
Dragon-Lance: Alright... major plot hole... notice that they just suddenly get dragon-lances? I also feel like there was a series before it that I missed... but maybe I did miss a series.
Drittz: Formulaic characters. Not all dwarves should be crusty, awe-wielding hard-liners who have a heart of gold under-neath.
LoTR: Hard to argue with is, cause it is basically THE fantasy series. Like, the first one that anyone knows about. And whatever. Tolkien gets a bit long-winded sometimes. Particularily during the Council of Elrond. Ye gods that was a long chapter.
Sword of Truth: I only read the first one, then stopped. Didn't like it much, but it has it's good points: vastly different from other series. The main character is a little too.... godly though.
Terry Pratchett... that is the way to go. That is quality fantasy. Discworld!
I used to have a whole bunch of titles, I think. That probably makes me better than you. Maybe.