Halloween Plans?

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Halloween Plans?

Postby jadewik » October 24th, 2006, 2:20 pm

Halloween is fast approaching. What are everyone's plans for October 31st?

I know Halloween isn't celebrated world-wide... technically it's not an observed holiday in the states either... but we celebrate anyway. If your country isn't into Halloween, post what kinda activities you do in the fall-- Octoberfest? MmmmMmm.... Any Fall festivals?

Anyone going to carve p-kins? I have marvelous plans for this year's p-kin. If I remember to take photos, I'll post 'em.
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Postby Agustus » October 24th, 2006, 3:11 pm

err not much of a plan i dont trick or treat anymore (bad experience when i was eight) but i do plan to go to a party dressed as a wetback :-P to those of you who want to know a mexican with the big sombrero(hat) and a pancho..... my mom was busting up when i told her she even found a fricken costume shop that has the costume o_O only thing about the ad is that its a white guy who is wearing it.... though i am going to ad a green card on a stick and put it on my back to show its a mexican chasing after it but its barely out of reach :-p
err yeah im an american born mexican my mom and pops came here legaly
aside from that giving away candy :-\
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Postby zipcat » October 24th, 2006, 4:21 pm

I love Halloween, and have been getting into as many things as I can for it this time.

Sadly.. I just noticed that some of those plans over lap.

So, this Friday I'll be making my favorite double layer chocolate peanut butter cheesecake pie, and taking it to my friend's party. We'll watch scary movies, talk about the nearby ghost town and tell its stories, play dress up like little kids, everything.
Then after I do that for about four hours, I'll take the left over pie to practice with the Renaissance club here. They're going to the tournament in LV (Or was it Phoenix?) this Sunday and will want to do their best; I hear that the winner gets to be deemed the Lord of the Dammed for the year. Which is awesome.

Then I sleep all day to make up for staying up.

I doubt I'll get a pumpkin, but if I do I'll carve it Sunday and Monday when I'm not doing school-things.

On Halloween, I'm making another pie or five, and going to my friends house with my niece, Kelly. I'm going to dress her up as a gremlin and take a picture of her if I can. I might be a jaguar again, if the costume still fits me. We'll just eat, make more pies, watch TV, and have fun until the sun rises.

And then I get to sleep in again.
Yay! ^.^
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Postby James » October 24th, 2006, 7:56 pm

I'm going to dress up in my knight costume. I really need to fix it so I can actually wear it, though :P
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Postby Tarathilien » October 24th, 2006, 8:58 pm

There's the "Rocktober Fest" here in NE Arkansas and I'm wearing my kilt to it (had to find some way to wear it, lol). That's about it - oh, and taking my daughter on her first Halloween adventure (and eating all the candy after that - she won't be any the wiser :twisted:)
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Postby bow4lyf » October 25th, 2006, 12:12 am

Im gonna go get drunk at my friend party. Yup
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