A Warscott Story RP

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A Warscott Story RP

Postby Warscott » September 5th, 2006, 6:43 pm

*** It was a usual day in the Titan castle. The hustle and bustle of residents. The guards marching on the walls constantly looking for enemies. Dogs can be heard barking while children laugh and play. Hoofs of horses prancing through the gate while others gallop with their iron clad riders towards the sun. ***

*** A little child points in the air. A red speck can be seen slowly immerging into a red lump that glows in the sunlight. Slowly a balck speck can be seen on the red glare. The picture grows more vivid as the children beging to jump up and down screaming "BLAZE". Children come from every corner of the castle. Running to the courtyard as the figure begins to immerge. The black iron from the armor of the rider is glistening so brightly that it almost dulls the Red that is under him. ***

*** A large circle clears in the courtyard as the rider lands with a dragon that has born his weight. Kids come from all corners running to the dragon as Blaze lowers his head for the petting and scratching that awaits him. The massive 7 foot tall troll, clad in Black Armor from head to toe, steps off the dragon, allowing the beast to have his fun. ***

*** The old troll, now with streaks of grey fur showing even with the armor makes his way towards the tavern. As always the stunning display of power comes to a screeching haught as the troll forgets about the door frame that has caused him so much trouble. He forgets to duck hits his head with full power on the door frame, knocks himself unconscious and falls to the ground with a thud, throwing dust 5 feet over his massive body. The dragon begins to laugh uncontrollably puffing smoke causing the children's hair to stand on end as if it was pressed. ***

*** The old troll comes to after 5 minutes, stands up, and with a deep voice yells "Shut up you stupid dragon". The troll dusts his armor off, walks in the door of the tavern after ducking, looks at the bar keep. "Shut up, I don't want to hear it, give me a Ale in my old glass." The bar keep pulls out a glass the size of 1/4 of a barrel, feels it full of the best Ale, and sits it on the counter with both hands. The Troll picks it up with one, walks over to his favorite corner, sits on the chair in the dark, and watches as the passers by enters the tavern hoping that none saw him hurt himself. ***
Seneschal WarScott
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Postby Warscott » September 7th, 2006, 9:29 pm

**** Warscott begins to nod off to sleep. Never in a million years would he have thought that the tavern was this empty. The old troll can't take the bordem and passes out with his chair leaning back up against the wall. Suddenly the weight of his body causes the chair to break and the old troll hits the ground with a thud. Warscott jumps straight up and looks around. ***

What, Who, Where.

*** He looks back at the chair and realizes what has happened. He pushes whats left of the chair into a corner hoping no one saw him. Grabs another chair and sits back down. ***
Seneschal WarScott
Titan-DC Advisor
Titan Story teller
17 years in Titan and counting
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Been around so long that Titan has been stamped in my forehead
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Postby Milton » September 8th, 2006, 2:24 am

This was boring.

With his ale, Milton sat watching people. The only thing amusing that had happened was some troll hit his head. He didn't understand why people couldn't control their bodies enough to not be clumsy.

When his eyes again caught the troll jumping up, he wondered what would happen to the troll next.

The last thing he wanted to do was talk to him. Milton thought that the troll might spit as he talked. He didn't want to find out.

Taking another long drink of his ale, he looked over the glass. It was so boring today.

Just to see what would happen, he let his cup slip from his fingers. The glass shattered all over the ground in front of his tall stool. He held back his smile, glancing up even as his face looked at the glass.


Someone might clean it up.
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