Probably the wrong forum, but...

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Probably the wrong forum, but...

Postby Guest/Dufgall » November 21st, 2006, 5:26 pm

Ive been looking around the varous forums including the one directly for DC, and have yet to actualy find a place where it says how to apply for membvership into a clan.

but before i do officialy apply, i have a few questions...

If i want to/am allowed to join, what will be required of me?

Is there an "official" website or just a forum?

what is the point of joining(a clan... period)?

What do i get in return?(hate to sound greedy, and i dont nessecarily mean itemwise)

Dufgall Vinaldasson

Postby Reus » November 22nd, 2006, 12:04 am

I'll answer the "how to apply question" but I'm not qualified to answer the others.

How to apply for clan membership in Dragon Court:

- money, lots of it
- be lv. 15
- have access to the inner courtyard(where the post office is)

Once you fullfill the above requirements. Follow these steps WITH CARE
- click on the Guildhall (located in the upper left hand side, looks like a tower)
- type in the name of the clan you'd like to join(CaSE SenSitive) in the box provided
- click on "seek" (SLOWLY)
- check the join box
- then click the big rectangular button in the middle

That's it. If successful you will get a message that says something about waiting for a grant from the clan leader

Last Step

When you've received your grant from the mail you MUST:

- Go to your inventory
- select the grant
- click on the use button

If the above steps have been followed correctly and with care you should be successful in joining the clan of your choice.
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Postby Ominous » November 22nd, 2006, 12:56 am

If i want to/am allowed to join, what will be required of me?
You'll be welcome if you apply pretty much anywhere, especially here. There are no requirements, but it'd be awesome if you became active and had fun in the community!

Is there an "official" website or just a forum?
Our official site is . However, it's undergoing a revamp.

what is the point of joining(a clan... period)?
You get powers, you get member services, you get a place to hang around! Clans are more fun than the actual game in my opinion.

What do i get in return?(hate to sound greedy, and i dont nessecarily mean itemwise)
Let's start with itemwise: Well, we have services you can check out that give you weapons and armor any time you need it (there's a small fee after the first time), and money if you rank up. Also, we have a safe trading post, the Marketplace.
And otherwise: You get to be a member of our community and make friends with lots of cool people. And, really, there's a LOT to do here.
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Postby bow4lyf » November 22nd, 2006, 11:09 pm

ie. cool people as in Bow4lyf.
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Postby Ekehart » November 23rd, 2006, 12:40 am

Req. lvl of 15...??

Since when?

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Postby Reus » November 24th, 2006, 4:08 am

Since the update. The Guild Hall wouldn't let me in till I was lv. 15.
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