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Postby izmrjayc » February 11th, 2007, 4:18 pm

whoooo just used my last 8 quests of the day drinking and tipped over 102 charm. noticed sumtin weird tho. not sure if its a glitch, coincidence or an error in java's randomization. but i spent 10 minutes clicking buy a drink while i had three quests.
It seems like while im on my third last quest, theres a higher chance of gaining charm and not passing out. i gained about 22 charm today 10 of which was on the third last quest.

Again only been paying attention for 2 days so far but im thinkin java has sumtin messed up wit its randomization or the randomization command was left out or it may just be my lucky number. HAHA who knows.

Just a random thing on drinking but its awesome.
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Postby Gametight » February 14th, 2007, 12:19 am

I think drinking is better for charm than mingling because you don't lose quest unless you pass out. It a little time consuming but I think its still the best way to gain charm
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Postby Huaying » February 14th, 2007, 12:43 am

I agree... I can usually gain 4 to 10 charms within 4 quests or less.
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Postby izmrjayc » February 14th, 2007, 12:58 pm

yea drinkings definitely easier but i blow about 30k a day on 10 quests and gain aronud 30 charm.

the 3 quest thing was a coincidence but there are times when u gain more charm than normal per quest. of course there r other times where u could lose 2 -3 quests without gaining any charm.
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Postby Cheshire » February 14th, 2007, 2:32 pm

Drinking = awsomeness but takes FOREVER

I havn't noticed anything about gaining a charm in terms of # of quests you have, i'll try to take a look into it tho.
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Postby Tarathilien » February 14th, 2007, 4:41 pm

From my experience, and I can only speak for myself, I think it just seeeems that you get more skill stats while you're at the lower quest count. Again, my personal experience only.
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Postby Huaying » February 15th, 2007, 1:11 am

Tarathilien wrote:From my experience, and I can only speak for myself, I think it just seeeems that you get more skill stats while you're at the lower quest count. Again, my personal experience only.

I think you are right. I did a little bit of experiment with two different characters. It seems spending the last 30 quests of the day drinking will turn out with better results than spending the first 30 quest of the day.

By the way, for those of you who are willing to click nonstop for half an hour in exchange for a crazy amount of charm gain, start drinking now! :P

I spent the last 32 turns plus about 130k in the bar, and got the following result:

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Postby Cheshire » February 15th, 2007, 4:44 am

O_O, what level are you?
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Postby Huaying » February 15th, 2007, 5:09 am

Cheshire wrote:O_O, what level are you?

Level 23...
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Postby Cheshire » February 15th, 2007, 5:16 am

+101 charm... that's CRAZY! What did you start at?
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Postby Huaying » February 15th, 2007, 5:24 am

I started off at 117 charm.

I did this as an experiment to see how much charm I could gain from drinking. I used two characters, one lvl 23 that started to drink when there were only around 30 quests left;
And one lvl 24 that started to drink for the first 30 quests after the reset.

After an ENTIRE hour of nonstop rapid clicking, the lvl 23 gained 101 charm using only 24 quests, while the lvl 24 gained 84 charms wasting around 40 quests. Thus the conclusion it's better to drink at the end of the day.

I'll try the experiment again tmr, just to get a more accurate result. :)
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Postby izmrjayc » February 17th, 2007, 1:11 pm

yup same here usually do it at the end of questing and use about 5-10 quest to gain 25 + charm. the 3 thing was just a huge coincidence but i notice on the last 5 ull be gaining twice as much charm/quest.
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Postby Cheshire » February 17th, 2007, 1:36 pm

here's what i'll add to this discussion about drinking for i have done my fair share of it. As of recent, the most charm i've gained from drinking has been 17 and i believe that was two-ish hours worth (I kept coming and going from the computer while watching TV). And i *think* that was before I used up any quests.

In all my years of playing DC, I've never heard anything about drinking being more successful when you have less quests.

I'm a firm believer that you have a higher chance of gaining a stats when you have lower stats. Execptions would be gaming and dicing.
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Postby bow4lyf » February 18th, 2007, 10:43 pm

Well, I have did a test on this. It used two quest days, and for the first quest day I used one quest (50 quests left) and gained about 29 charm in only one quest. On the second day, I used the quest from 20 quests and gained about 18 or so charm. So, it must be the randomization.
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Postby Loth Emnati » February 19th, 2007, 6:50 am

Then it started...

Fred changed drinking when he introduced Azteca, and I mailed him to say that the test version of drinking was completely ... unbalanced, but he never responded...
I had the number one in fame on the test server, by drinking my char up from the start, and then I mingled him to rank up each day. (Rank up nets you a nice fame bonus) When I got to seneschal I stopped playing him.

A few notes:
Chesh, if you want to look at the code, then it's fairly easy to read through. (That is why I started drinking)
The different inns have different parameters, so the risk of getting robbed or losing quests in the tavern in the mounds, is slighly larger, but so are the chance for gaining charm

Happy hour!
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