19d spikey utur
160d dsj full enchant with b/l stats are 31a 198d 290s
112ac full enchant to 170a 58d 840s
45a shurk full enchant to 66a 21d 285s with b/l
silver masa rusted 144a full enchant to 206a 47d 522s with B/L/F/G
Jag fang 51d utur
45a shurk utur
jag mantle 144d utur
great targe 59d utur
gladius 95a utur
64d ayotle shiled utur
spikey 18a full enchant with b/l to 26a 27d 70s
u can only ask for em once so every one gets a chance, oh yeah post ur dc name so i know who to send to