free decent gear (plz dont move to marketplace) better hurry

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free decent gear (plz dont move to marketplace) better hurry

Postby Da_PAB » April 26th, 2007, 7:36 pm

ok heres da deal u can only post once and pick one item so every one gets a chance plz dont move this to the market because not every member have access there yet thanks here are the gears

19d spikey utur
160d dsj full enchant with b/l stats are 31a 198d 290s
112ac full enchant to 170a 58d 840s
45a shurk full enchant to 66a 21d 285s with b/l
silver masa rusted 144a full enchant to 206a 47d 522s with B/L/F/G
Jag fang 51d utur
45a shurk utur
jag mantle 144d utur
great targe 59d utur
gladius 95a utur
64d ayotle shiled utur
spikey 18a full enchant with b/l to 26a 27d 70s

u can only ask for em once so every one gets a chance, oh yeah post ur dc name so i know who to send to :)
Last edited by Da_PAB on April 27th, 2007, 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks Toki for the sig thanks killa for asking toki to make the sig hahah
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Postby merik3 » April 26th, 2007, 9:03 pm

I'd like the silver masa rusted 144a full enchant to 206a 47d 522s with B/L/F/G if your giving em away free mate. DC name is Merk3 :)
Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there

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Postby Da_PAB » April 27th, 2007, 2:13 pm

sent 144a masa it was merik3 right not merk3
Thanks Toki for the sig thanks killa for asking toki to make the sig hahah
men are like bank accounts if they don't have money the don't get any interest
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Postby merik3 » April 27th, 2007, 6:20 pm

yea it's merik3 lol, sometimes when i type fast i miss letters. Wrote that out as i was either going to bed or school. Can't remember which
Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there

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Postby Huaying » April 27th, 2007, 7:22 pm

Can I have the DSJ please? :)
DC Name: Huaying

H: 26a 26d -7s
B: 184d -13s
F: 86d 240s
R: 168a 360s
L: 82a 33d -13s
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Postby Da_PAB » April 28th, 2007, 11:19 am

sure sent to huaying
Thanks Toki for the sig thanks killa for asking toki to make the sig hahah
men are like bank accounts if they don't have money the don't get any interest
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Postby Kamerheimer » April 28th, 2007, 8:03 pm

19 spikey please. Thanks.
27 spikey esblur
208 dsj esblur(170 mantle esbur in test)
91 csb esbur(18 sea slips new esbur in test)
170 sac old esbl(without natural bless, 1 skill rust, looking for ur)(182 sac new esblur in test)
135 cjf esbur(54 shurk esur in test)

Looking for 210 sac new

pm me with upgrades

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Postby Firecracker » April 28th, 2007, 9:17 pm

can i have( jag mantle 144d utur ) please?
DC name :firecracker :)

Postby roland254 » April 29th, 2007, 7:16 am

dc name: roland254
gladius 95a utur please :)
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Postby Da_PAB » April 30th, 2007, 2:16 pm

sent to all enjoy :)
Thanks Toki for the sig thanks killa for asking toki to make the sig hahah
men are like bank accounts if they don't have money the don't get any interest
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Postby roland254 » May 1st, 2007, 1:28 am

many thanks :wink:
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Postby opau15 » May 2nd, 2007, 3:33 am

can i have the spikey 18a full enchant with b/l to 26a 27d 70s please?
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Postby Da_PAB » May 3rd, 2007, 10:21 am

sent :) enjoy

54a shurk
51a shurk
to the list since not much people are around u can post as many times as u want just wait till 3 people have asked for items :)

Thanks Toki for the sig thanks killa for asking toki to make the sig hahah
men are like bank accounts if they don't have money the don't get any interest
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54 shurk please

Postby Kamerheimer » May 5th, 2007, 12:00 am

since 3 ppl have already posted and you said we can post more than once the 54 shurk looks nice, better than any shurk I ever found. Thanks if you decide to send.
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Postby Glamdring FH » May 5th, 2007, 2:13 am

this is aweful to say, but everything on that list is better than what I have, so if you have anything left in any of the slots, I would really appreciate the help. DC name is glamdringfh.


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