School? Not me!

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School? Not me!

Postby jadewik » August 10th, 2007, 1:21 am

School should be starting up again (for those of you still IN school-- of the non-year round sort)... so the hustle and bustle around here should slow a bit. =P

Is anyone here excited to be going back to school? Did you at least have a good summer? Do anything exciting? Wish you had done something you didn't do?

Tell your most exciting story from this summer.
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Postby zipcat » August 10th, 2007, 1:33 am

It's going to slow more? Aww...

Lets see.

Yeah, I love school a whole bunch; I can't wait for it to get started again. I only have eighteen more days left until it does. Yay. I already have a few good friends there waiting to meet up again.

My summer was ok. I've moved out of my mom's house after a bit of struggle, but now I'm lazing it around with a few friends who are letting me stay with them. It's cool I guess.

Exciting.. lets see. I had a few court things. I didn't do anything this time, but they went well.

And I wish I wouldn't have tried to help someone when I knew I couldn't and that there was nothing I could do.

That's about it. What about you?
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Postby Ominous » August 10th, 2007, 11:06 pm

II'm going to Oberlin College on the 27th, and am thus very excited. I'll still be around, though, luckily.
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Postby Guest » August 11th, 2007, 2:10 pm

my sumer was short like 3 weeks but its was a good one and im used to school so its ok to go back because it not noobish highschool yup and i get to bore my heads so its all good

Postby jadewik » August 12th, 2007, 1:44 am

What about me?

My summer is like the rest of my year... only... hotter. I work... and then I come home and do housework... and occasionally I'm spirited away to a movie by my tall, dark, and handsome.

I did, however, go to the SanDiego Comic convention at the end of July. It was kinda a drag because of my travelling companions... but... yay, I guess. I spent waaaaay too much money on some killer pumpkins paintings which are now framed and hanging on my wall.

... and I just spent $70 on 1000 8-inch glow bracelets, which I shall pass out for Halloween! Whee! I'm still trying to figure out costumes this year. I've been threatening my husband by telling him that he has to sew his own costume this year because I almost didn't finish my witch last year.... I spent so much time sewing his danged undertaker jacket... Grrr. Hehehe =)

I don't even know what I'm going to carve this year! >_<

... and I still haven't decided what we're going to do next year. *dies*

Oh, the tragedy!
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This is Tarathilien

Postby Guest » August 22nd, 2007, 2:51 pm

Tara: "Looking forward to school...again. I think I'll graduate in about 6 more years. I'm only taking about 9 hours per semester cuz I'm working full time. It'll be fun, though. Some are new, some are ones I've taken other courses from (and they love me like a son.....prolly b/c I'm as troublesome as one)". What about everyone else here?

Postby TBeck » August 22nd, 2007, 4:04 pm

finishing up my coop work term... the last weeks go by so slow :( then im back at waterloo for my major in Comp Sci with a minor in classical studies and another minor in drinking
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Postby James » August 22nd, 2007, 5:07 pm

Starting school on September 20th. Woo.
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Postby Guest » August 22nd, 2007, 8:08 pm

Tara: Here here for the minor in drinking!!

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