My Apologies.

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My Apologies.

Postby LightSol » November 17th, 2008, 1:40 pm

Im sorry about not being able to run the dnd games, last time i got hospitalised and didnt have access to anything, so my bad about that, but another problem i noticed is that noticing my schedules, its unreal for me to get up at 7am on a sunday morning , its just too early :/ , if anyone has a suggestion and a timeframe for when it would be possible , i'd gladdly continue the game.
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Re: My Apologies.

Postby Joe » November 17th, 2008, 8:05 pm

I know I don't actually play, but I think Wednesdays between 1547 and 1553 EST is the perfect time for everyone. If I am wrong, well, ok, I'm wrong, but just lie to me and tell me it's great.

Are you ok though? Hospitals aren't often fun places to be.
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Re: My Apologies.

Postby LightSol » November 17th, 2008, 9:02 pm

Well, im in a gmt+2 zone, which creates all of the problems :/ but those 6 minutes, it will be the best time to play the best session ever!

Meh, got hit by a car, broken leg :/ was taken to the hospital, the only unpleasant thing was the pain , the rest was quite ok, the hospital was a good one so there was still absolutely nothing to do :P
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Re: My Apologies.

Postby zipcat » November 17th, 2008, 10:14 pm

It's alright. I missed the last game too, because the forewarning for it was just too soon. I was wondering why you wern't in IRC.

As for times, we could always go later at night for you, or perhaps earlier, during our mornings.
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Re: My Apologies.

Postby LightSol » November 18th, 2008, 6:39 am

Hrmh, yeah, that would work on saturdays , lets say 9-10pm for me that would be 11-12 for you, but then again the question arises, would it be too early for you? because i dont want to start anything on a sunday that would go for many hours that late because i do have school : P
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Re: My Apologies.

Postby James » November 18th, 2008, 3:19 pm

Wow! I hope you recover quickly and well, Light! That really hurts :(

Did the guy hit and run or did he actually be civilized and stop to help you?

Anyway, I haven't really been able to do D&D much because there's a lot I've been doing on Saturdays now and it usually leaks too far into the night. I don't think I'll be able to play anymore :/
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Re: My Apologies.

Postby LightSol » November 20th, 2008, 1:43 am

Sadly, it was hit and run, but a friend of mine was around so it was ok.

Damn, we need to figure out a way how to make this work for us :P
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