Just joined,please join in

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Just joined,please join in

Postby zafar » November 17th, 2008, 1:55 am

Zafar2 stood at the palace gates,Finally he mustered up the courage to go in.Coming back out he stood with the air of royality."What just happened?" he asked.Upon his armour was the seal of the queen."I've been promoted again".Gandalfxxx just stood there fingering his knives.He had made the mistake of goin in there.Now was his buddys turn."I'd say stay away but u have this thing where you have to save everyone zaffy.You just never learn old man."Zaffy turned to his old friend and said"You hardly beat me for age buddy.Why don't you find a purse to steal instead of bugging me."*smirking,zaffy raises his staff and quietly murmurs an incantation.Food appears in front of them and they feast as they walk from town.Tugging on his hat,Gandalfxxx asks quietly,"Can we go back to the mountains now?"Zafar2 answering"yes,back to the mountains whence we were born.It's to bad the dragons don't like us anymore as they used to."Pondering on that Gandalfxxx scoots over a bum and smiles at the mountains,"Mountain folks once,always mountain folk."Turning into the sun,they slowly wander off into the mountains.........Zaffy always looking back
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the plains

Postby zafar » December 1st, 2008, 1:05 am

Wandering onto the plains,Zafar grew silent within...Many times he had laid upon the fields and dreamt of new realms.(lying on his back staring into the clouds ,wondering where they came and were headed.)He had regenerated many times.Every new age filled with a new land.In his first age, the mountains were just being explored.Now they were a footnote.Gandalfx had joined him in the mountains, sometime after zafar had tamed the mountains.He had created a clan of mountainfolk and then was cast away by the mighty gods of fate,only to return time and again.**WHAM** Gandalfx slammed into zafar just an arrow nicked his head. **"what the He.." zafar yelled....
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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby jadewik » December 2nd, 2008, 2:20 pm

"Oh, dear! Sorry! So Sorry!" carn called as she stepped from the tall grass. Today, she was in her ranger gear. Brown leather breeches, a woolen shift covered by a green corset top, brown leather bracers and knee-high leather boots to match. Her long, wavy brunette hair hung in a plait behind her back, revealing her pointed elven ears. Her round face flushed at having made such a grievous error while hunting.

"I had no idea that anyone was there or I'd not have shot at that deer."

She knelt down beside Zafar and Gandalfx, "Are you alright? Here, allow me to assist." Carn set her longbow aside and offered an outstretched hand for assistance.
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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby boywonder » December 5th, 2008, 2:47 am

BW was making his usual rounds around the palace, listening for anything of interest when he heard the mention of dragons.

Mmmm... BW thought silently to his void self, Dragons, eh? Where there are dragons there are gold BW smiled to himself at the sight of the two, clearly foreign, males (or so he assumed) as they headed out the gates and off towards the mountains. Removing himself from his perch upon a parapet, he fell like a thunderous rock from the heavens and landed, without a sounds, upon the ground below. Knowing that blindly following them would only give himself away he took note of their direction and made his own path towards the fields, particularly to the tall grass, so that sound alone would carry him along with them, and they'd be none the wiser...


BW kneeled, almost inhumanly low, in the grass, making his profile perfectly hidden within the throngs of grass that ran as high as ten feet at places. He laughed to himself silently as he heard Carn yelling "Sorry, so sorry!" at the two men who let her sneak up on them. He kept his place as the deer took to scampering off at a north or northwestern heading, oddly enough he couldn't smell Carn, though he knew without a doubt it was her simply by the sound of her voice. She must have been wearing some kind of hunting potion that masked her scent. BW hadn't slept in nearly a week, and after hearing the speak of dragons yesterday, had been full of andrenaline as he gave silent chase, but now he worried as time was making his eyes groggy. He'd either have to transfer forms, which may or may not give him away when he did it, or sleep at some point, which may or may not give him away should the two wind up discovering him. Shrugging off the want of sleep he felt the earth through his soulless shoes, and his hands, smelt the animals and bugs and the two men, and listened to the sounds of the world from the people speaking close by to the birds hiding a little farther along, to the insects burrowing new homes under the ground. He could taste nothing on the wind, and so, continued to listen in to the party near.

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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby zafar » December 8th, 2008, 11:47 am

A shiver running through him,zafar pulled himself and his long white hair up from the ground.Grabbing his old friend,zafar helped dust gandalfxxx off."Thanks buddy.That was a might close." Seeing they were both alright,Zafar turned to see who his would be attacker was. Taking a deep breath to give him a piece of his mind,he froze at the sight of a woodland beauty. With the sun behind her,he could only catch main features.Without relizing it,zafar was staring.Gandalfxxx reached over and pinched zafar causing quite a long descriptive set of words to come at him. "Go on zaffy,don't be rude..say hello..".Turning bright red in the face and all of a sudden worried about the state of his long royal blue robe,he bent at the waist (dropping his staff in flustered frustation)."Good day to you.It would seem you have misplaced one of thy arrows." Bending over ,gandalfxxx plucked the arrow from the ground.Studying it for a moment,gandalfxxx handed it to zafar saying "Not bad workmanship for this age,what would you say zaffy?" Zafar,eternally embarressed about being caught off guard,took the arrow and studied it.
Looking up zaffy asked"Friend or foe?,I'm hoping friend, as this arrow was obviously made by someone of vast expierience."........ Gandalfxxx all the time fingering his knives and wearing that all knowing smile zafar had come to trust and hate.
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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby jadewik » December 8th, 2008, 4:10 pm

"Erm," carn lowered her hand, picked up her longbow and stood. She had a perplexed look on her face as she watched the one called "Zaffy" study her arrow intently. It was just a normal arrow-- like any others she made; from straightening the sapling shaft to applying the fletching and pile. (Carn was especially proud of the grey goose feathers she'd used for the fletching. She'd managed to keep a gaggle of her own geese at her chateau and they were very fine birds.)

When Zaffy looked up and asked "Friend or foe?" carn replied defensively, "Well, it wasn't very friendly of me to miss and nearly hit you. I imagine that was because, unlike my target, I wasn't accounting for your presence. If I'd meant to hit you, I would have fired a second shot before the first ever landed and you'd both be bleeding." She gave a satisfactory nod and then fidgeted nervously debating whether or not to ask for the arrow back. Carn decided against it as she warily eyed Gandalfxxx. She could always make another arrow.

"My name's carn," she decided an introduction was warranted, but she didn't want to share much else until she knew more about these strangers. Since they hadn't taken her hand earlier, she didn't offer it for a handshake. "Are you two lost? You don't seem to be around from here."
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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby boywonder » December 13th, 2008, 1:23 am

BW listened intently to what the three had to say to each other, the more he learned of where the pair's dragons were, the less he would be forced to rely on anyone else....

My friends all call me old scratch and I am a Capricorn
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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby zafar » December 15th, 2008, 11:37 pm

scanning the arrow again,zafar offered the arrow back,"My' lady,."Bowing deeply,zafar never letting an eye leave her presence,sought an eye contact.He could never say for sure but he had a good eye for friends.Gandalfxxx didn't always agree and continued to finger his knives.In his mind,there was only working on an agreement with the dragons that counted.As impossible as it seemed.He would drag his old clan leader back to his home and try to convince him that Titan wasn't needed.Gandalfxxx missed his old clan and his leader.Seeing this 'ancient' bewildered by a woodswomen was getting too much.He cared for his old leader like a younge brother.Although his old leader was 1000 + years older than him....

"it seems I have gotten' in the way of your foray for food.For that I apologize.".zafar said.

*shaking his head,Gandalfxxx began to walk to the woods*"he'll follow soon enough..."
*gandalfxxx slips into the woods knowing his old leader can always find him.*
"that damn zaffy will find me when I get into trouble,bastard always does...thinks he a superhereo or somethin'"

zafar was lost in the moment,never seeing his buddy wander away into the forest....
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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby boywonder » February 21st, 2009, 6:19 am

After seeing the group split up BW tracked the loner who walked off with his eyes. He noticed the trampled long grass and broken twigs on the trees as the neanderthal-like person wandered through the forest seemingly ignorant to the subtle art of covering ones tracks. Deciding a nap would be nice the Boywonder lay prone and closed his eyes. As he began to drift into a fairly light sleep his hand naturally went to the small of his back and partially unsheathed his knife...

My friends all call me old scratch and I am a Capricorn
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Re: Just joined,please join in

Postby jadewik » March 31st, 2009, 11:57 am

((OOC: Apologies for the delay... life got busy. It seems to have slowed since.))

Delighted to have her arrow back, carn gave a broad smile as she accepted it from zafar. "Oh, thank you! You've no idea how long it takes to make these things," she looked the arrow over for any signs of needed repair as she spoke, "I always try to recover them all."

Carn was relieved to have the arrow back in her possession. Because of the unique characteristics of the arrows, each arrow was trace-able back to her. She chose not to mention that to zafar as she suspected he already knew that. Regardless, carn didn't want to remind him of the fact-- especially since Gandalfxxx was on guard, fingering his knives.

"It seems I have gotten' in the way of your foray for food. For that I apologize," zafar said.

"Oh, it's no bother, really. I actually have a good store of food at home, but I do like to prepare for what could be a fierce and long winter." Carn put the arrow she was holding back inside the quiver, which was strapped to her back.

"Well," she said as she stooped to pick up her longbow,"since I didn't catch anything, I suppose I'll be heading back to the tavern for some supper. You're both welcome to join me..." Carn gave a bashful smile as she slipped an arm and her head through the bow she adjusted it into position for walking.

"But if you're both coming, you might want to catch up with your friend first," carn gestured in the direction Gandalfxxx had walked.

She wondered if she ought to tell him about the patch of quicksand in that direction, but figured they were seasoned enough to see it. "I hope you don't mind, but I shall go on ahead... that is... if you're coming to the Tavern at all." With a wave and a smile, carn quickly turned into the tall grass and began the walk towards the castle.
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