Holiday Favourites

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Holiday Favourites

Postby jadewik » December 8th, 2008, 7:50 pm

What's your favourite movie to watch over the holidays? I know my mom has to watch "It's a Wonderful Life". I prefer "The Muppets Christmas Carol"... though I don't care if I miss seeing it one year.

Are there non-holiday films you watch during December? What are they? Why do you watch them?
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Re: Holiday Favourites

Postby Twist Rolarian » December 9th, 2008, 4:55 am

"The Night the Reindeer Died" scene from the movie Scrooged. :mrgreen:

It's been a while since I saw that movie, but your post brought it to mind for some odd reason, now I want to see it again. :P
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Re: Holiday Favourites

Postby Carzal » December 9th, 2008, 1:29 pm

The original star wars. I don't watch these every christmas, but every once and a while I pull it out, and it always seems to be during the christmas break.
Which, for me, is like, 10 days long this year. Ridiculous! Why can't they just shorten summer by like, a week, and add it onto here?
I used to have a whole bunch of titles, I think. That probably makes me better than you. Maybe.
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Re: Holiday Favourites

Postby boywonder » December 13th, 2008, 1:37 am

Christmas Story

you'll shoot your eye out, you'll shoot your eye out


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