Character "Clothing Drive"

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Character "Clothing Drive"

Postby jadewik » December 15th, 2008, 6:03 pm

Let's play a fun little game for our characters.

See if you can put together an outfit (Clothing ONLY) for your character using images from the internet. Please just post URLs for images of clothing similar to that which your character wears. (If you want to show pictures, please upload it to your own image storage server-- don't "hotlink" unless it's your own bandwidth!)

So... for example... Ebon-Ashe's biography says this about her clothes:
Normal attire for Ebon-Ashe consists of a darkly colored cloak (with a hood), black or dark brown breeches, black leather boots, and white chemise beneath a red, navy or black corset. Her breeches are suspended by a sturdy, leather belt which also loops through a few pouches and sword sheath emblazoned with her sigil-- a stylized "E" and "A".

Here are photos of similar type items.
A Pouch

Words to help while searching:
fencing, armor, renaissance, riding, greaves, medieval
Clan Titan:
Role-Play Characters: carnelianfire & Ebon-Ashe

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Re: Character "Clothing Drive"

Postby James » December 15th, 2008, 7:31 pm

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Re: Character "Clothing Drive"

Postby zipcat » December 19th, 2008, 4:59 am

They look very fitting on both accounts.

And lets see, for my main character zipcat, I think everyone knows she wears a plant. Sometimes I put her in a cloak too. Leaves however grow in specific patterns and shapes.

If you read her bio it says her vines have "palmate leaves are thick and pubescent, with traits both acuminate and truncate."

Palmate refers to how they grow from the stem. It means they fan out, sort of like how your fingers do. Example.

Pubescent just means they're hairy. On zip I usually keep them mildly hairy, which means if you look closely you can still see the hairs, but it doesn't take away from the green color. However sometimes, like when she goes to FK, I have the hairs grow more densely, to the point where the leaves are just white fuzz. Example 1. Example 2.

Acuminate and truncate just tell you what the shape is. It's pretty much a triangle with a semi-rounded bottom. Acuminate. Trucate.

This is fun.
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