I am backz :D

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I am backz :D

Postby LightSol » April 30th, 2009, 12:36 pm

I have returned from a few trips and from a massive loss of something very vital to my system.. THE INTERNET!

Anywhoo, i plan to be active in chatting with you guys seeing as i will have internet all the time so there wont be any worries about me not being here ^^

How have you been in these sour times?
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Re: I am backz :D

Postby jadewik » May 4th, 2009, 1:48 pm

Glad to see you back!

... I'd answer your question but I'm trying to decide if the times were sour apple or sour lemon. Tough choice!
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Re: I am backz :D

Postby Zuka Zamamee » May 5th, 2009, 12:22 pm

Sour watermelon.
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I am the freezing touch that takes life away,
I am the one whose soul is unclean.
A master of dreams, awakened to the night
I haunt the Astral and reap the mortal life

Through the moonlight's mist
I enter your soul
Which withers from purity I defile
I am the Darkness, the Night that lasts forever

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Re: I am backz :D

Postby Curulan » May 5th, 2009, 6:18 pm

Sweet Arflenugget.
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