It's too quiet here.

Have a seat, have a drink, walk among friends, all of this can be done in the Golden Griffon, Titan's official tavern.

It's too quiet here.

Postby Curulan » June 5th, 2009, 4:31 pm

And so, insanity!

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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby Twist Rolarian » June 7th, 2009, 1:15 pm

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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby jadewik » June 8th, 2009, 7:07 pm

Twist Rolarian wrote:精神異常は宇宙が実際にいかに働くか知っている。

... my thoughts exactly.
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby Lady Joanna » June 9th, 2009, 2:08 am

O hai!

I play WoW now. Yippee! I am also full edumacated with my BA in Political Science. :)
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby Grog » June 9th, 2009, 3:34 am

Well I just did a lot of typing then screwed it up...

Basically I said Hello and it is great to see the clan still thriving. Hello to those that remember me and Greeting to those who have no clue who I am. I probably not in any of the history lessons as I was a BIG UGLY and some may have been mad at me at times of writing. I just wanted to come say hello and that I am doing good and hope all of you are great. Thanks!
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby James » June 9th, 2009, 11:42 am

Maybe it would be less quiet if you posted in our RP, Curu 8)

Twist: I can't read that! I don't know that much kanji :P
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby jadewik » June 9th, 2009, 1:16 pm

... I don't know Kanji either... I was only pretending I did...

*hangs head in shame*

Wait let me try that again.

Kanji? Is that Benji's daughter?
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby RastaMepas » June 9th, 2009, 5:10 pm

Det där var ju... roligt.
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby Twist Rolarian » June 9th, 2009, 7:16 pm

No worries, I don't read kanji either. I just decided on what I wanted to say, and then used Babelfish to auto translate. Of course, translating it back loses the meaning. :P
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby Katzenjammer » June 13th, 2009, 2:31 pm

I agree! It's too quiet. Speak up you!
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby FireSpirit » June 15th, 2009, 1:00 pm

*just naturally is quiet*

Does everyone hear still play the DC1, or DC2, or both?

I've been playing DC since before Clan Titan made it's rise to the top clan on Dragon Court. I remember Frost Knights being top and someone else being top before that. It's hard to remember all the way back to 1998. I've been in and out, and a member of several clans, but the association was always more with a person who asked me to join than the clan itself. I just quest DC1 at least once a week at work, and miss the old in game chat room.


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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby LightSol » June 15th, 2009, 4:11 pm

Yeah im also wondering if anyone plays DC2 , recently changed to it from dc1 since the grinding there is slightly more interesting :P
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby killadaemon666 » June 15th, 2009, 4:36 pm

i played dc2 until i reached level 20 then you gotta pay so i quit. he he he

killadaemon666 :pimp:

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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby LightSol » June 16th, 2009, 3:42 pm

unless im mistaken the game is free now, if you pay you can access some chat channels, trade, and more characters over the game but otherwise i believe that its free :D
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Re: It's too quiet here.

Postby killadaemon666 » June 17th, 2009, 4:22 am

just checked my dc2 game out it is free but if you dont pay you can not exceed level 20 wthout paying it limits access to areas like umber hills, sothron, the castle, and lonsdalle are the other areas i found but can not gain access to it becuz of the level cap also you can not wear silver armor or weapons so ive pretty much beaten it without paying. Should be level 22 but still lv 20.


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