Well, I see that you "finally" got smart and moved off EZ boards. I coulda told you that you would be happier since me did it long time ago.

The boards look very good. Whoever is working on them is doing a great job. The colors are balanced and I like it much better than the old layout on EZ. It is especially nice to see the golden griffon logo.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank Ominous for visiting us and inviting us over. Sorry about the clan's feelings on the subject but I guess that will be the way of things for a while. Still, the fact that Ominous came anyway made me very happy. I hope that he felt welcome and will visit again to keep us up to date on what is happening over here.
Anyone needs me, many know how to find me. If you need any help on phpbb just let me know. There isn't much I haven't done with this type of forum. Hope that you all enjoy the boards as much as I have.
The One They Call Bobniss