[hide]Common Name
Full Title and Rank
Wolf / Polymorph (Wolfwere)
Magical Affinity
Military Division/Rank
Character Overview
James is a wolfwere, of a certain case where two werewolves mate and create a wolf for a son with reverse lycanthropy with no negative side effects of the disease. He is a rather agile character and is of a neutral good disposition. If he were only a human, he would probably be an alchemist or herbalist of some sort because of his skill with herbs.
- Animal Prowess (Fighting, instinct, etc)
- Emotional aura (is normally small but changes as his emotions change in type and strength)
- Sentience/Intelligence (would actually make a good mage)
- Unusual Comprehension (has the ability to understand basic and often complex ideas without knowing what a person is saying or speaking of)
- Herbalism / Alchemy
James is a seemingly ordinary gray wolf that looks more like a dog. He has blue eyes that betray his intelligence and his face seems very much able to contort like that of human expression. His claws and teeth are very sharp. As a human his voice is deep and yet very light, both attention grabbing but sentimental at the same time. His hair as a wolf and as a human is a shimmering color of gray. When he becomes a human during the full moon, James has no clothes so he must steal them from somebody. His body frame is rather skinny, but well toned. Unless it is reflecting his emotions, James' face has a nonchalant, bored expression. When James is driven to run fast, the best that an average person would make out of his form would be a large, gray arrow that had something fanning beneath it.
Though it only happens once a month during a full moon, James' human form is revealed as a rather skinny, silver-haired human. His cheekbones and nose are somewhat angular features and his hair is very straight, yet thick like his fur coat. His eyebrows are also relatively bushy. Even though James never shaves due to being a wolf, the lower part of his face never has a beard during the full moon, nor does it even have stubble- it's as though he were a child. Naturally, his blue eyes carry over from his normal form. James' body is athletic looking, but is actually quite skinny due to his body's light weight for its height.
James has travelled various lands for a very long time and due to his herbivorous ways he has learned how to identify properties of plants and fruits very easily. Through the mixture of boredom and experimentation he is capable of using his saliva as a solvent to create alchemical concoctions of varying effects, but his best area is that of nutritional or rejuvinational kinds. He met up with zipcat after following her irresistible scent for a long time and finally found her when she collapsed of a nutritional incident involving unfamiliar forests. Using his alchemical expertise he revived her, and soon after killed an orc that attacked the both of them. Since then he has been wandering around more so as to better hone his alchemical for zipcat's cause. He has also attempted to interact with humans during full moons so that he can learn common speak and converse with zipcat. Between these events he has checked in with zipcat to make sure she was okay, to make sure she was alright. James considers zipcat a sister after his infatuation with her smell passed.
The story legend of James' birth:
A little known legend speaks of a wolf born of two lycanthropes. This prophecy has come to pass with little attention and speculation.
A man and woman once fell in love with each other. Unbeknownst to them both, they both were werewolves- cursed with the hunger of the hunt. The night they found out was also the night that their only child, a son, was born. This night was *the* night- the night of full moon, so they both were transfigured and searching for blood.
The cry of a deer signaled to the woman that there was a death nearby. She pounced off, only to find her husband devouring the corpse. Recognizing each other with shock from the familiar smells, they made a vicious dinner of the deer, and in the sheer bestiality of the moment embraced in the sensual struggle of sex.
Nine months later, a baby boy was born during a full moon. The mother and father were happy... and yet sad at the same time. The prophecy told to them long ago spoke of a child that would be backwards, a wolf by full sun and a human by full moon- a wolf uncursed by lycanthropy and yet trapped by transformation magic.
The child was abandoned to fend for himself.
As he grew, the boy-wolf realized his hunger for flesh was of the human hunger was matched by his desire for fruits and the like were as well. Full of sentience yet bursting with the innocence of youth, the boy lived his life as a gentle hermit would. He grew up playing the role of his own parent. As age dawned upon him his taste for flesh was ruined due to a choice of morality and the wolfwere began to live off of plants and fruits instead.
16 Years passed, and the boy-wolf grew up, nameless. His bestial prowess in battle was unmatched by that of even werewolves he had encountered, and yet his attempt at pacifistic life continued onward, searching for the family he never knew.
James has found the person he feels has become his new family. While living his fairly interesting life as an animal the wolf came across the most unusual and haunting smell he had ever had entice his nostrils. The delicious aroma pulled him towards the Amentan zipcat, and for days and nights he followed her trail. One day when zip collapsed, James caught up to her and using his herbalism, healed her. For a while the wolfwere had a brilliant infatuation with her, but this emotion settled with the realization that the love that James felt for zipcat was like that of a child's for its mother or a brother for his sister.
Not long after zip had healed, a wandering orc came across the two, separated from its clan. Seeing a chance to feed it assaulted James and zip, only to be slain by James. Since this meeting James has been protective of zipcat and wandered off every now and then to develop himself more as a human than as a wolf.
For a small while James was content staying about zip like a pet, enjoying her company and the company of her friends. Every now and then he needed to heed his antisocial feelings and would spend time in the wilderness on his own. Unfortunately, one time he did this, zip decided to summon the Beast to protect her, and to do thusly it possessed James. This has kept him closer to zipcat because of the demon's slight power over him- sometimes if he got too far away, it would strive to break free or hurt him to push him to return to zipcat's side.
James' adventures with zipcat have taken him to far away places including the lands of Elidoris and the Frost Knight fortress. In Elidoris, James landed at port with zipcat, where she learned of his transformational secret, as did her guard. After that, James tended to seclude himself from zip so he could learn how to be more comfortable around her when she considered him as a human, regardless of the uncomfortable urgings of the Beast. Of course this upset the demon and during one of his city excursions it nearly broke free of its restraint to wreck havoc upon the crowd he was exploring to get back to zip, but luckily through his strong mental capacity he was able to imprison the demon again.
Soon after this occurred it was nearly time for zip to give birth. Unfortunately, the godling-powered Takrari took control and attempted to seize the child for his own, taking zip before she was due. James, along with many others, attempted to accost him and retrieve zip. The being of deceit cast hellish flames that would have normally disintegrated James, but his possession by a demon of hell summoned to protect zipcat gave him enough resistance to fire that he barely survived. Joe cast his staff against the wall, flooding the room with a holy water that eased James' pain and helped him heal as well as banish the demon from his body. Nobody really knows what has happened to it as of yet, but the Beast may come back some day to seek vengeance if zip is dead.
With zipcat missing James has lost his purpose in life and now wanders randomly in order to find some association with people who will accept him like zip had. No longer able to live in the wild content and not accepted by many in cities who treat him like a stray dog, James has lost his purpose in life and seems to be looking for a new one.
James is normally incredibly antisocial. He would prefer to never be with anyone, but his interactions with zipcat have led him to attempt to become more human so she could more enjoy his company, and thusly he seeks out the company of others. After finding zipcat, he discovered that he enjoys the company of others, but has a difficult time talking to strangers, aware of his usually haltering speech. James would normally put no value into material items as he has no understanding of their meaning, sentimental or otherwise, unless he sees what the item does or is told.
Even though James grew up eating mostly meat, his personality and character developed what one could describe as a sense of morality or benevolence and James became a vegetarian. He is often chivalrous and if his enemy is not willing to fight to the death he will usually give them a chance to escape if they wish unless they deeply wronged him or one of his companions he likes.
James is not the kind of person you betray. If you show you do not wish to be on his good side any longer, he will treat you thusly and obviously. In this sense he could seem very snooty or spiteful, but James is belligerently loyal to his favorite companions and expects others to present this respect as well.
Properties of Choice
Tooth and claw with use of the entire body as a weapon.
As stated before, James is normally incredibly antisocial, but ever since he had meet zip that quirk about him has led him to try to interact with humans more. He is difficult to make friends with unless something unusual about a person is interesting to him (zipcat’s scent, Joe’s ability to communicate with him, etc). However, once he has become a friend of that person he will be an ever-loyal companion if needed. This can turn out for the worst, as if someone evil befriends him then he can be easily manipulated.