Queen Beth's Castle

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Located in Dragon Court's central maindland, surrounded by Salamander Township is Queen Beth's Castle. Here, Queen Beth, the matriarchal ruler of the Dragon Court resides.

Only nobles may enter into the castle freely. Peasants must either bribe her palace guards to turn a blind eye (which is quite a difficult feat), or buy a permit in the Township.

The Queen's Court

The Court of Queen Beth is sought out by many nobles and peasants alike. It is here that names are made, and rankings earned. By engaging in activites of courage, such as games requiring bravery and finesse, or taking your wit and luck (and purse too!) in a throw of the dice in a game of "bones".

At any given time the court is nobles of various stature and prominence. Making oneself known with their fellow nobles by mingling and the exchanging of witty and charming stories, or by flirting with the ladies of the court is yet another way in which people get their names across to Queen Beth, with the hope of ascending in stature and rank.

The Castle Proper

The remainder of the castle is like many others within the realm. The court is where Queen Beth's throne is found, and also the audience room for visitors and nobleman of the realm.

The castle is complete with storage rooms, armory, guard quarters, guest chambers, and a secure vault for her jewels and other valuables.

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