Jadewik Leviathan Shaw

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The following is a character sheet for Jadewik Leviathan Shaw. Character sheets are based off of the Titan model for Character sheets. Characters are copyright their respective owners.

Common Name

Jadewik Leviathan Shaw

Jadewik, or Jade for short, was given her name by her mother. She was named after the beautiful green, Jade stone in her mother's necklace, a trinket which Jade remembered her wearing all the time. The necklace was laced together with string from a candle wick. Though her mother never told her the origins of the necklace, it was quite evident that it held great sentimental value.

Jade was given her father's surname "Shaw" upon birth. The surname originated from her Elven ancestry-- the first of whom settled in a small grove of trees outside the main elven colony. The was quite the uproar in the elven community she lived in when she was given her father's surname because her mother was human.

Her middle name, Leviathan, was a nickname that eventually embodied part of her name. Growing up, she was constantly teased and bullied. However, her human genes triggered a growth spurt that soon had her towering over her tourmenters. Revenge had been forthcoming and she extracted it with a brutish ferver. Though the teasing to her face ceased, the name "Leviathan" was bantered back and forth behind her back so much it became who she was known as and she adopted it as her middle name.

Full Title and Rank

Jadewik currently has no rank and Title in RP and she is not a Dragon Court Character.



Her mother was a human. Her father was an elf.

Magical Affinity

This is the character's magical affinity and will be one of seven options: Light, Shadow, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, or Void (non-elemental). This characteristic is also an indicator of a character's innate personality, so it should be considered very carefully.

Military Division/Rank

This section indicates in which of the eight division of the Titan Military the character serves and its rank in that division. If the character holds a specific title within that division, separate the title and the division with a slash ("/"). If the character does not hold rank in the Titan Army, put "Civilian". If the character is not a member of Clan Titan, either omit this section or put "Member of <Clan Name>".

The player will only select the division of the Titan Military the character wishes to be in. Rank placement and advancement will be managed on an in-character level by roleplaying as well as approval from the Roleplaying Council.

Character Overview

This is a short description of the character, usually one or two paragraphs.


This is an explanation of the character's abilities, mundane and/or magical. This section should be as long as it needs to be, but not more than two or three paragraphs. This section is also where unique or rare abilities would be described.


This is an explanation of the character's physical makeup, if applicable. This entails clothing, physical appearance, and any special traits (in the case of elementals, golems, constructs, etc).


This section describes a character's complete history, kept up-to-date. Players should keep in mind that the character template is not necessarily considered common knowledge in-game, so the information contained is not necessarily known to other characters.


This section describes in detail how the character acts and thinks. This section is separate from the Character Overview.

Properties of Choice

This is the character's preferred weapons or types of weapons. Any unique or named weapons should be described here. Also, this section include any specific artifacts, icons, or items of note. This section would also include specifics on pets or familiars.


This section describes how the character interacts with other characters. Specific examples should be cited if key relationships exist. Marriages, close friends, family, and enemies should be described here.