Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

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Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Impromptu » July 16th, 2010, 4:20 pm

When I was a kid, I didn't have a xbox 360 or a playstation 3. I didn't play mass effect 2 and then complain about the shitty graphics. All I had was whatever game I could find that runs on my shitbox 95. And I found dragon court. And I was in love. Dragon court, the name itself conjures up nostalgia for me. Ooo! Look at these awesome pictures. OMG! I just killed the centaur. What do these numbers mean? Why does healing cost so little? I DIED IN THE FOREST!

Later, I discovered the forums. Let's be honest: this game was the best when you went beyond the game and into the forums. Here I was, a grade 3 student posing among teenagers and adults. Trading in the busy trading post. Telling jokes in the tavern. Joining give aways. DID HE JUST GIVE ME 100 golden apples for free?! YES I WANT THAT MASAMUNE! Meeting new friends in different clans.

I then remember creating my own clan with a hacker and then bribing people to join by giving away hacked goods in the billions. THAT WAS WHAT DRAGON COURT WAS BACK THEN. A live and bustling center of activity, of RP-ing and of telling stories and poems. I developed my love for reading and writing while playing this game. I still think fondly back to the days when I tried learning HTML by myself in order to make my words flash with different colors.

*closes eyes and sighs peacefully*

I feel old though I am in my early twenties.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Curulan » July 20th, 2010, 8:42 pm

I'm almost 30. I feel old, too. I've been trying to bring those days back, but alas, I feel like the whole community has moved on and we're not getting a new one.

Dragon Court is dying.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby zipcat » July 21st, 2010, 2:37 pm

There are tons of people out there who know just what you're talking about.

But sadly not many of those people wish to continue it.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Warscott » August 9th, 2010, 1:23 pm

I'm 40 this year and I remember when there was no internet. I had a computer, but played games like Kings Quest 1 and had a RGB monitor on a 80086 with a whooping 7 mgz on turbo.

I did not even find this game til I was 30 (2000).

I miss the old days cutting up with everyone. Miss all the friends I had back then alot.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Agustus » August 10th, 2010, 10:00 am

Impromptu wrote:When I was a kid, I didn't have a xbox 360 or a playstation 3. I didn't play mass effect 2 and then complain about the shitty graphics. All I had was whatever game I could find that runs on my shitbox 95. And I found dragon court. And I was in love. Dragon court, the name itself conjures up nostalgia for me. Ooo! Look at these awesome pictures. OMG! I just killed the centaur. What do these numbers mean? Why does healing cost so little? I DIED IN THE FOREST!

Later, I discovered the forums. Let's be honest: this game was the best when you went beyond the game and into the forums. Here I was, a grade 3 student posing among teenagers and adults. Trading in the busy trading post. Telling jokes in the tavern. Joining give aways. DID HE JUST GIVE ME 100 golden apples for free?! YES I WANT THAT MASAMUNE! Meeting new friends in different clans.

I then remember creating my own clan with a hacker and then bribing people to join by giving away hacked goods in the billions. THAT WAS WHAT DRAGON COURT WAS BACK THEN. A live and bustling center of activity, of RP-ing and of telling stories and poems. I developed my love for reading and writing while playing this game. I still think fondly back to the days when I tried learning HTML by myself in order to make my words flash with different colors.

*closes eyes and sighs peacefully*

I feel old though I am in my early twenties.

i sadly miss those days aswell but the thing is most of the time im out... either working or with a few friends an when i get home its rest for the weary.... im in my early 20's
i miss the whole community, i learned how to Rp, found my enjoyment in reading, and all round found a place to have fun during my odd tween/teen years.... i kinda want to go back since it was simple then... but i like my life style now its more freedom to do what i want when i want :3
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Curulan » August 10th, 2010, 11:04 pm

Warscott... I am now the age you were when I first started playing Dragon Court. :P
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Warscott » August 16th, 2010, 10:40 am

hahahaha. That is so depressing. hahahaha! I am still having a hard time believing I have been married now 3 1/2 years.

Oh well, the old troll is still kicking.

Good Note:
My wife passed her Veterinarian exam in June, was licensed as a Vet in State of VA this month and should be working in a week as a Vet. Took a long time for her to get there, but it is finally done.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Curulan » August 16th, 2010, 11:34 am

Went back and reread the first post. I definitely do not miss the days when everyone was bribing people to join clans with hacked goods.

That forever changed the game for the worse, and flooded the market with quantities of goods no legitimate player could ever hope to acquire. In short, it all but destroyed the game's economy for a while for anything except weapons and armor.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Impromptu » August 25th, 2010, 3:18 pm

Yes I do agree shortly after I acquired 2 billion of every item in the game (including mandrakes which meant I could play this game indefinitely) I lost interest. And then after a hiatus I came back to discover all weapons had been buffed substantially and antiques were worth a crap ton. Too bad I forgot my accounts and passwords by then. Ah well.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby jadewik » December 6th, 2010, 1:50 pm

Haha! I learned how to type playing games like King's Quest 1!! By jove, if you couldn't type fast, you died!

Curu, we need to have a "30 years of awesome" festival this year... because... being 30 is going to be fab!
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Zuka Zamamee » January 12th, 2011, 2:34 am

You know, reading this, makes me miss those days. Back during my awkward teenage years of being in high school and all. Well, I don't miss school, and I definitely don't miss all the trouble my hellraising got me into, but I definitely miss the sense of camaraderie and community that we had during those days. Next month will actually be 7 years since I joined the forums, and 7 1/2 years since I started DC. What I would do if I had a time machine. *sighs*
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Curulan » January 13th, 2011, 6:56 pm

I'm saying... we need to bring the RP back to life. Get more players.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Zuka Zamamee » January 14th, 2011, 4:55 pm

I'd be willing to help out with active RP'ing. I stay in contact with a few RP'ers who I've met throughout the years. Maybe I can get a few to come back. I'll also troll around the campus here and see if I can find any others interested in free-form RP. There is another website that I RP at, but there's only a handful of people there that I'd trust bringing over here (ones who won't cause drama, for instance).

I'd even be willing to go so far as to creating a whole new character to RP instead of Zuka (because once you reach the pinnacle of lichiness, there's not much to do besides...well...nothing). Akunosh is an annoying character to RP that requires a certain mindset to get his "holier-than-thou" attitude going correctly. Rajst is still fun, but the whole cloak-and-dagger vampire thing gets old after a while. Not to mention that Twilight has effectively killed off vampires (Edward is not a vampire, he's a glitter fairy...but that's another rant for another post).

I'll spend my time at work drafting a new character, one that'll be fun and original. Maybe two characters, depending on how much time I can devote between work and college.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby Carzal » February 5th, 2011, 2:13 pm

Raise a glass for a fallen friend...

DC is long, long gone. But good times were had while it was there. I posted my own sentimental crap in the HC forums, but the sentiment is the same.
I used to have a whole bunch of titles, I think. That probably makes me better than you. Maybe.
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Re: Nostalgia: The dragon court generation

Postby RunningEagle » March 18th, 2011, 6:35 am

there were great times, I poke around every once in awhile, OL RE here has been around dc for a decade, alot of people know me. This game isn't quite dead, never will be, there will always be a group of core players, I have seen a few new faces since i've returned.
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