Twist Rolarian
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Twist Rolarian
Full Title and Rank
- Titan Tower of Sorcery: Master of the Tower
- Clan Titan: Archmage; Former Lieutenant; Former Librarian
- Order of the Shining Star: Archmagus
Dragon (Steel) / Polymorph - Elf (Sylvanesti)
Magical Affinity
Light (Dragon) / Shadow (Mage)
Military Division/Rank
Mage: Formerly Archmagus following the retirement of Parlik; Current status unknown.
Character Overview
Twist Rolarian, Archmage, is one of the most powerful beings currently known in the realm. Easy to annoy, short to anger, and quick to retaliate but slow to avenge, he quietly plies his trade in magical goods to those who need his items and services in Titan. Very few know him past the façade of a dark elf.
As a Steel Dragon, Twist has a natural magical affinity, as well as a set of inherent spells unique to him.
He also is a Mage, with all the powers and abilities that lie therein. Only a few have been recognized as his equal, and even fewer have proven it.
Quoted from Wizards of the Coast[1]: When a steel dragon hatches, its scales are a deep blue-gray color with steely highlights. As it grows to adulthood, its color lightens to a lustrous burnished steel, and its shine increases as it continues to age. In human form, a steel dragon always has one steel-gray feature, such as hair, eyes, or nails. In rare cases, this feature may be a ring, tattoo, or other ornamentation. In its natural form, a steel dragon smells of wet steel.
In his common form, Twist appears as a typical Elven magic-user, and wearing the Black Robes, marks him as a Dark Elf. His one distinguishing feature is his steel-grey hair.
Born in Faerûn, the steel dragon Zaryxalys grew up near the city of Candlekeep, along the Sword Coast. His studies in the Great Library, as well as his natural penchant for magic, got him apprenticed at a (relatively) early age. After many years of study, travel, and adventure, his Master took him along to study the other Planes.
It was on Krynn that Twist, as he was called among the lesser races, found his destiny. He loved the idea of Arcane magic being granted by the Gods, same as the Divine, even though it was more strictly regulated here than on other worlds. After proving himself capable to the local council's representative in Palanthas, Twist was granted the privilege of taking the Test in the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth. (This was just prior to the War of the Lance and the opening of the Tower of Palanthas.)
As many familiar with the workings of magic on Krynn know, the Test is designed to be grueling, even fatal. Success may cost you, but in exchange for great power and prestige. As Justarius sacrificed the use of his left leg, and Raistlin his health, so did Twist sacrifice his hold on sanity. He walked into the Tower wearing the White Robes, and left wearing the Black. Solinari would not take him, Lunitari could not use him, but Nuitari saw potential.
Now as a ranking member of the Order of the Black Robes, and wearing an Orb of Nuitari around his neck, he can continue travelling the planes, learning and gaining power, without ever leaving the watchful eye of the Dark Moon.
Twist Rolarian is secretive, solitary, selfish, power hungry, suffers from delusions of godhood, and is just plain Evil. You do the math.
Properties of Choice
He carries an oak staff topped with a silver humanoid skull (Staff of Striking), a small black orb on a silver chain hangs around his neck (Orb of Nuitari), a silver ring inset with a snowflake onyx (Ring of Counterspells), and various other items in his collection. His own spellbooks are bound in night-blue leather and inscribed with black sigils.
Twist interacts only with those of, in his opinion, importance and power. Anyone else is to be manipulated to his own ends, if not outright ignored as unworthy. Currently, those are few and far between. While he very rarely takes an apprentice, since as a Dragon he's more secretive than your typical mage, he is secretly tutoring Carnelianfire in the ways of magic. This is partly because she has a rare talent, partly because he's bored, but mostly because she could be more useful with these additional skills. Ebon-Ashe, on the other hand, has no magical talent worth mentioning, but her skills as an assassin and troublemaker keeps him amused. She's too much fun to not have around. At the moment, they are useful to each other. Curulan, on the other hand, truce not withstanding, is useful in that he keeps covered all of EA's mischievous doings, unaware that some of her trouble making is actually her doing jobs for Twist. Last, but not least, is Lemac Samporna, who has a knack for finding out other people secrets, which has benefited him greatly in the past.
Twist maintains a secondary residence in a suite on the Council Tower of the Titan Palace. His primary residence, and where he can be found most often when not traveling, is his Tower of Sorcery he magically raised in a secluded corner of the mountainous foothills to the north of Cartes, with a murky swamp as the only route by land. Unlike most Wizard Towers, his is open to the public, provided the public can get there. An Inn/Tavern is on location as a convenience, as well as the main Tower with libraries and laboratories. There is also an arena for dueling.
Twist's most jealously guarded secret is not on any map or floor plan, and only Lemac has discovered it, much to his annoyance. Below even the dungeons, magically carved from the bedrock, is yet another laboratory, where Twist can scry on the goings on around him. There is no physical entrance or exit.